Pitch to us
Our rolling call for submissions.
What we’re looking for
While Middleground Magazine focuses on fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction and art, the features section of the website contains pieces that don’t fit within any of those genres. Here are examples of what we are looking to publish:
Journalistic pieces: these should be pieces about the mixed-race experience, offering innovative perspectives or covering topics we’ve not seen before. They might be book reviews, investigative pieces, trend analyses, or any other format you want. These can be related to:
News stories
Politics (from anywhere in the world)
Lifestyle (social media, beauty, fashion, etc.)
Culture (music, literature, films, etc.)
History (eg. profiles of historical figures or introductions to historical events or movements)
Any other area that helps widen the discussion about mixedness and all its facets.
Please note that we don’t accept academic writing. We want our work to be accessible and engaging for all. If you are an academic, we are happy to work with you but please bear this in mind.
Personal pieces: these should be deeply personal and explore an area of your lived experience, expertise or self that you believe would be valuable to others. Examples of topics could be:
Your connection to your heritage, for instance through your family or the place you live in
Your experience with discrimination and how it’s impacted you
Specific events that have shaped how you relate to your race and/or country(ies) of origin
Explorations of the connection between your race and gender, sexual orientation, class, mental health, body, etc.
Interviews: these can be:
Q&As with famous mixed-race people, game changers, activists, artists, etc.
Conversation pieces between you and friends, family members or others who contribute to who you are.
Resources: these might be anything looking to share knowledge and information with our other readers, for instance:
Lists of interesting and relevant topics (mixed-race therapists, influential social media accounts, top tips, etc.)
Explanations of key concepts about the mixed-race experience or other concepts relevant to BIPOC in general (key words, antiracism, diversity, inclusion, etc.)
Explorations of platforms of interest (charities, programmes, community groups, etc.)
Who can submit
Middleground is first and foremost for mixed-race people. We will always give priority to any work produced by people who identify as mixed BIPOC.
If you are a non-mixed BIPOC and wish to submit work to Middleground (such as interviews with mixed-race artists or deep dives into mixed historical figures), please get in touch with us prior to pitching us your idea so we can make sure we are the right fit for your piece.
Please pitch to us first. The last thing we want is for you to write a full piece that we simply can’t publish. To pitch to us, please check out this article about pitching guidelines first.
In your pitch email, please send us a short bio introducing yourself and a sample of your writing. This can be links to previous work or something unpublished (attached as a Word doc).
Send your pitch to submissions.middleground@gmail.com. Your pitch should be around 300 words and include any relevant links.
We’ll aim to get back to you as soon as possible, but please be patient. We will respond to all emails.
A few things to note:
If you submit work that we believe is best suited for the magazine, we might instead choose to publish it in our upcoming issue.
Because our funding is extremely limited, we will not be able to pay for pieces that do not go into the magazine. While this is not our ideal situation, we are still keen to support you in any other way possible.
Have you got questions or an idea you want to discuss with us? Please get in touch! We can't wait to hear from you.